Chronic Ear Infections

What Causes Chronic Ear Infections?

The eardrum is located at the end of the ear canal and the middle ear from the outer ear differentiates it. The external ear canal and the ear drum membrane vibration through sound waves to agitate the hammer and the anvil and the stirrup to the inner ear bones are in contact with the truck following the transfer takes place.

Region connects the middle ear cavity of the nose in the back of the nasal synchronized with the external ambient pressure and pressure in the middle ear through the Eustachian tube mastoid bone behind the ear which allows it to be located within the middle ear is connected with the given name and, in case of air cells constitute the anatomical structures of the middle ear.

What Are The Types Of Chronic Otitis Media?

There are many different types of chronic otitis media. In practice, there are two most common tables.

Ear, inflammation of the middle ear trauma or occur spontaneously or with simple interventions, and ear surgery, depending on the holes that can be closed is one of the most common chronic middle ear disease. The middle ear or the sinuses of this hole from the nose through the Eustachian tube in the ear from the middle ear infections and recurrent infections may occur as a result of inflamed as a result of hearing Dec Dec currents can become progressively worse over time. This group is more common and relatively easy to treat in the clinic, who are more successful functional outcomes are due to problems in the middle ear.

The second major chronic middle ear disease is usually due to the malfunction of the Eustachian tube from the childhood of the function is observed. The disease as a result of the negative pressure in the middle ear the middle ear ventilation of the disorder is drawn into the collapse begins. Following the involvement of the membrane and external ear canal keselesmey of the skin, middle ear, cholesteatoma in the mastoid bone and into the neighborhood called back by the time the progression causes it to generate the inflamed masses here. Cells are shed from the skin in the ear canal to the ear of advancing and growing bacteria in this environment containing fortunately, the effect of inflammation of the bones and make the audience melt with environmental spread into neighboring organs, and in this way can cause serious complications.

Dec Dec increasing deteriorating hearing loss and ear for a long time usually smelly story. Patients with sudden hearing loss, vertigo, facial paralysis, meningitis, or originating from, such as the ear, with the spread of infections such as brain abscess into the head to the hospital with serious complications that occur May apply.

The goal in the surgical treatment of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma is primarily to prevent inflammation. The hearing function in these patients the results obtained in the first group generally is not satisfactory.