Tongue base surgery for snoring and sleep apnea

Surgeries To The Back Of The Tongue

One of the most important areas that cause problems in patients with snoring and sleep apnea is the root of language. During sleep, especially REM sleep relaxation of the muscles that keep you in front of Fazi the language in the tongue as a result of the narrowing of the canal slide backwards respiratory mucosal surfaces approach each other and turbulence with Flutter snoring, snoring is a cause for fully closed airway. Especially patients with moderate or severe sleep apnea in the region of the soft palate with the back of the tongue is often due to the problem the problem for many patients with treatment planning needs to be done in the two regions together.

Overweight and body mass index (BMI) of their body weight in patients with high 10% weight giving, in the case of complaints arising from a reduction of the tongue base in the region is likely to be. Therefore, in patients with isolated problems in the tongue base, high body mass index, surgical treatment should be tried before the planned techniques for losing weight. In case you have significant pathology in patients with moderate or severe apnea soft palate, nose, and palate surgery can be done first. Sleepiness in both groups during the period of losing weight, speed up metabolism and reduce, if necessary, a mask positive airway pressure (CPAP) should be used.

Language problems and language language detected in the root of the root zone to be large in size, being left behind due to the language of the lower jaw backward or small or normal despite the position of the tongue and jaw with the back of the tongue during sleep relaxation Nov sliding the anatomy of the respiratory channel may be in the form of blocking. All patients diagnosed with sleep apnea, ENT flexible endoscopes with standard endoscopy examination and the examination should be performed through the nose in addition to the level and content of sleep during sleep, and the problem for the solution of the current problem are evaluated and the most appropriate surgical approach should be decided on The Shape of. Language placement of the root zone, which can be troublesome for both patient and surgeon surgery due to post-operative problems and is a region where the risk of complications is relatively high.

Language problems arising from the root zone, which are applied for the treatment of different surgical techniques are available.

Reducing The Volume Of The Tongue Base

Inspection and Sleep Respiratory endoscopy in the channel with the root of the cause of the blockage of the language have been larger in patients in whom surgery is practised to reduce the volume of the tongue base. The principle of operation is the same, although different approaches are described.

Language reached through the root zone can be altered by the mouth through the neck or from outside. Today as a result of advances in medical technology, the approach applied by way of the neck is generally not preferred.

The Tongue Base, Radiofrequency Applications

Language the language applied to the root of the root of radiofrequency radiofrequency energy to heat damage and shrinkage of the soft tissue and hard tissue generated using heal with scar tissue formation, while the contraction of the volume is based on the principle. The office setting with local anesthesia in order to achieve the positive results that can be applied in the application of this method is the most important disadvantage of 4-6 Sessions. This technical language detected by growth on the root of the nose in the region of the palate in patients with sleep apnea can be combined in the same session or with surgery. Radiofrequency applied to this region in the process the possibility of complications and problems after the procedure is significantly less compared to other methods, although the success rate is also less.

Laser or Coblasyon

Coblator by laser or using the device accessible over the back of the tongue within the mouth, the tongue, is the process of reducing the volume of the soft tissue in the middle line. The method which is applied for removal of the soft tissues beneath the mucosa language, SMILE (minimally invasive excision of submucous language) is referred to as. During the same process the root language of lymphatic tissue (tongue base, tonsils and the larynx can be applied to reduce some of the structures.

Robotic Tongue Base Surgery

Following the development of robot technology in the mouth of equipment suitable for use in difficult to reach in the root zone of the restricted view of language has been used with success in surgical interventions. Details on this subject are given under the heading of robotic surgery in the treatment of sleep apnea.

Pulling The Tongue Forward For The Advancement Of Muscles

The front of the tongue during sleep and decrease REM sleep in complete relaxation with the tension in the muscles that holds the tongue in the case of clogging as a result of respiratory backward shift the rest preferred technique. This technique is one of the most important of which is the language that attracts Nov inner portion of the bone of the mandible is connected to the genioglossus muscle is separated from the bone after mandibular withdrew, and again is determined, thereby the enlargement of the airway behind the tongue pulled forward and the language and are provided with slide backwards during sleep the tongue from blocking the air channel is blocked.

The Hyoid Bone Is Attached To Tongue Muscles Overcome With Stitches

Called the hyoid bone, a horseshoe-shaped bone between the neck and the larynx is located in the middle part of the root of the language.

Language in the region behind the hyoid bone and muscles genioglossus muscle path that clings to the air depends on air resistance. The tissues in this area to be loose in the air duct that is formed during respiration, the effect of the vacuum increases the risk of a crash. The love of the hyoid bone in the neck seams this technique with the lower jaw or the muscles that attach to the thyroid cartilage to the bone adheres to the language as a result of collapse of the air passage through the stress of remaining under the root is based on the principle of prevention.

The root of language, especially in patients with a slip backwards, stretching forward into the bone of the lower jaw, the hyoid bone suture hanging with a more accepted approach.

Is exceeded by the seam of the tongue base

Sliding to the back of the tongue base during sleep, blocking your airway is another surgical method that is applied in patients. This technique through an incision through the floor of the mouth or under the chin on the inner portion of the lower mandible is reached, after being placed in a bone screw, then thread a needle with the help of a special language arc is rotated from the root of IF is connected to the screw that stretched in front of the tongue base.

In order to prevent the tongue from falling back for a few days after the surgery that is done, there may be difficulty in swallowing. The most important complication of this approach in the tissues after the surgery, swelling (edema) of development. Language of operation that does not result in a significant limitation in the movement of the tongue is able to partially reduce the movement of the tip. The early results are good, but the strap method in language, a stitch in time may decrease the effect obtained with a shift in texture.