Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease In Children

I mean see of gastric contents into the esophagus is a condition that is monitored frequently to come back, however, this acidic contents outside the esophagus, throat and upper respiratory tract (extra osefageal laringofaringeal or reflux) can pose serious problems.

Before you begin babies to sit up at the sphincter of the esophagus, called the upper and lower end of the cover, the mechanism does not work well in supine position monitored frequently and spend a lot of time because it is short SEE the esophagus, usually resolves spontaneously and living with the increase of control of Nov. The risk of developing a serious problem of acid reflux in infants under one year old in adolescence is close to that rate decreases to around 5%. The lower end of the esophagus where it connects to the stomach, according to the cover, which serves as occurs with a disruption of the function of the muscles. Highly acidic stomach contents up through the esophagus can lead to serious acid damage going in these regions.

GOR symptoms.

GERD in infants and children are extremely lightweight and findings may not be noticed until a problem occurs. The most obvious complaint is a burning sensation in the chest, although it is often difficult for children to describe this feeling abdominal pain or chest discomfort that occurs after meals and after can express.

Severe reflux in the stomach, esophagus, throat, vocal cords, lungs, sinuses, ears, and teeth can cause a variety of problems. SEE irritability and crying along with watched the findings most frequently in children, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, growth retardation, weight loss, belching, vomiting, stomach aches, sore throat, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, chronic cough, foods, air tract, sleep apnea stop breathing in his sleep, stricture formation in the airway, asthma, chronic sinusitis, ear infections and fluid accumulation in the ear, tooth decay is. The probability of reflux should be considered if the child vomits easily. While this possibility is reduced and increasingly pass spontaneously under the age age of GERD increases the need for treatment.

How is Gerd diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually made on history and examination can be made. The most common test methods are as follows:

Acid Measurement: measuring sensors on a thin wire is placed through the nose into the esophagus, acid for 12 to 24 hours by continuous measurement data are transmitted to a computer system. The end result of stomach acid in the esophagus, the patient came from, and this is controlled by the overlap period overlaps with the complaints.

Medicated Movies of the esophagus: radiographic contrast material containing barium swallowing function and is evaluated by recording the structure of the esophagus.

Gastric emptying test: Weak milk containing a radioactive substance is ingested after the course of the intestinal canal of the item in the stomach with a special camera to follow. Especially in case you have a leak in the lungs is beneficial.