Dizziness (Vertigo)

Vertigo – What Is Vertigo?

“Vertigo” or the commonly used “vertigo”, the term is not the name of a disease, but a symptom of a pathology that can occur for different reasons, and by patients imbalance, dizziness, or severe rotation can be expressed in different ways, such as Blackout.

The feeling of slight imbalance as varying intensities depending on many different factors may complain of vertigo too severe. A single complaint can be viewed as as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss or tinnitus in conjunction with therapy can be monitored.

The ear: the outer, middle and inner ear is divided into three parts. The outer and middle ear to the fluid of the inner ear directs sound waves by increasing. Where is located the center of balance and hearing in the inner ear, the inner ear and in the ear are located in different compartments within the bone of fluid (endolymph and perilymph) there. The hearing and balance nerves and nerve cells nerve endings sensitive the sensor is in continuous contact with the fluid. Sound waves reach the inner ear and transmitted to the inner ear fluid that allows the formation of electrical signals. Also the internal fluid movements head movements that occur with the nerve structures of the inner ear, the delicate balance kulaktali they warn. This notice of hearing and balance functions in hearing and balance nerves to the brain with the transmission takes place.

Balance Offering

The system consists of three different detector systems and a center of balance. The brain, the eyes, the balance centers and the inner ear of Nov, joints and tendons from functioning and serves as a center transmitted continuously gather information about the position of the body, and is responsible for maintaining balance. These three systems work independently of each other and together they function in the maintenance of the balance of the body. The images from the eyes to the brain by passing around the body according to the environment while providing information about the position of Nov, tendons and joints of the head transmits signals from the body to the brain information about the position against.

The balance system of the inner ear semicircular canals detect detect movement and linear movement called the vestibule to get back to work two different shaped parts. Together, these two sections are filled with fluid, which “Labyrinth” is called. When the head moves to the inner ear moves, and this movement according to the direction of the movement of the stimulated nerve endings to the brain sends signals to different informing the head.

Vertigo-What Causes Vertigo?

Balance organs in the maze constantly generate signals symmetrical to each other on each side. Press the semicircular canals signals, formed by turning in the front-to-back or up-and-down direction in the vestibule linear movements and generates a warning. In the vestibule is located in the center of adherent cells on the calcium carbonate crystals in the balance depending on the gravity of the position of the head to change the direction and intensity of movement, allows the detection of.

The balance Center in the inner ear to the brain is damaged when this balance is disrupted the symmetry is broken and the signal from the brain to the muscles, while creating a sense of where the alerts of outgoing eyes, involuntary eye movements (nystagmus) causes. Movement of the eyes back in shape with the movements of the visual field surrounding the patient himself or a lying motion perception by creating the “Vertigo – vertigo complaints” causes.

All the centres that can detect the movement of information from the cerebellum that occurs in the brain that occurs in corrective reflexes and spontaneous movements of the muscles of the body with a combination of the answers for you to do balance the signal is sent to protect. Cerebrum, cerebellum and the brain stem is located in adapting to asymmetric signals coming from the inner ear balance centers has the property of not being affected by them. Due to this feature that might cause some diseases that cause dizziness or an imbalance in normal conditions, with appropriate exercises in some sports activities by providing for the prevention or elimination of the imbalance adaptation is possible.

Types Of Dizziness

Playing a central role in maintaining the balance of any problems with dizziness, imbalance, and may lead to symptoms such as dizziness.

Diseases Of The Inner Ear

The pressure of the fluid in your inner ear balance disorders in the inner ear changes, movements of the fluid balance centers or directly from inappropriate and / or occur due to involvement of the balance nerve.

Sensitive hearing and balance centers of the ends of the inner ear, hearing and balance nerves in the same fluid (endolymph) in parts containing different ending. Circulation of this fluid, pressure, nerve endings or changes in the content by creating alert for acute, chronic or recurrent dizziness or leads to non hearing complaints.

Other factors that may affect the nerve of the inner ear or balance problems causing degradation in the circulation consists of similar complaints

Brain-Related Diseases

Signals that are being sent from the balance organs of the brain to interpret and create appropriate responses occur as a result of the deterioration of the ability to. Together, hearing loss may be partial or total. In this vein occlusions or spasms of hearing loss, allergic or metabolic diseases can occur due to benign and malignant tumors.

Excessive stress, panic attacks, depression, anxiety conditions, such as similar complaints may occur. The feeling of pressure and fullness in the ears and cope with such loss can be found at.

Diseases Of The Neck

The balance Center in the brain from the muscles in the neck and the position information is sent to the deterioration of the signals play an important role in maintaining balance as a result of imbalance can occur. Trauma, diseases of the joints of the neck vertebrae as a result of pressure on the nerves in the neck or muscles of the neck from the neck spasms that occur in the signals sent to the brain abnormalities in that position, and, ultimately, a balance disorder can cause.

Visual Disturbances

Visually diseases due to defects in the eye muscles or involuntary eye movements that occur due to corrupted signals, sensor signals from reaching other balance balance centers of sight are not in harmony with the structure that occur when signal mismatch may cause dizziness. Meanwhile, other inappropriate stimuli that occur in the nervous system, depending on sweating, nausea, symptoms such as vomiting can be observed.

Dizziness Originating In The Inner Ear Results From

The functions of the inner ear and dizziness connections or with diseases that affect the central nervous system of the inner ear, hearing loss, they can cause symptoms such as tinnitus. Sometimes only two or three of the symptoms are present. Vertigo, severe vertigo, imbalance or may be in the form of dizziness. Complaints may be continuous or intermittent, and is usually exacerbated by the movements of the head. Often nausea and vomiting is also monitored, but the dizziness originating in the inner ear from loss of consciousness does not occur. The major causes of impairment of the function of the inner ear, the liberalization of crystals that detect gravity, most often viral infections, impairment of blood circulation in the inner ear fluid pressure change, nerve inflammations, trauma, drugs, or tumoral masses are.

A detailed history and examination of the most important elements in the diagnosis. In most cases, hearing and balance tests have to be performed. These stages for patients who can not only be diagnosed after radiological assessments, testing for allergies, and hormonal and metabolic diseases, neurological evaluation and testing may also be required.

These evaluations are primarily a result of the presence of underlying pathology that may pose a danger of serious or fatal injury is revealed. The results of all these examinations in the selection of appropriate medical or surgical therapy following the diagnosis help

Blood Circulation-Related Disorders

The balance organs of the inner ear that affect vascular spasm or blockage of blood vessel rupture and bleeding in the form of circulatory disturbances, dizziness, hearing loss and tinnitus.

Vascular spasm is usually connected to the question is based on repetitive dizziness and sudden starts. Neural fatigue, emotional stress, certain medications, nicotine, and caffeine may lead to spasms of the arteries.

Slowly with age and hardening of the arteries embolism occurs when blood circulation to the structures of the inner ear may be adapted decreased over time. Sometimes a feeling of imbalance may occur in a continuous, fast-moving standing up suddenly or complaints may increase.

Suddenly forming in severe congestion vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting, often followed. Severe complaints subside in a few days with the intact ear in a few weeks, taking control of the functions of disappearing.

Trauma that occurs due to high blood pressure, or vascular rupture in the event of a sudden, complete blockage similar to that followed.


In the early period of treatment in vascular diseases due to the dizziness, the rotation sensation, and with the vasodilating drugs that resolves complaints such as nausea and vomiting drugs are used. Again, reducing the complaints by suppressing the balance Center in the early period of sedative drugs can be used. Vascular substances such as nicotine and caffeine should not be taken with astringent properties. Suppressing the functions of the intact ear inner ear balance with functions for handling the adaptation of sedative drugs with the aim to delay the process should not be used long-term.

Positional Vertigo

Especially observed in young and middle age the most common cause of vertigo benign positional vertigo (benign positional vertigo – BPPV) is a disease of.

Information about this disease, “positional vertigo” has been given under the title.

Advanced Age-Related Loss Of Balance

The balance problems that occurs with age the most important factor in tiny blood vessels that nourish the nerves of the inner ear balance centers and the balance is in the disruption of the circulation. In rare cases severe symptoms causes this problem. Loss of blood circulation in the vestibule, as an organ of balance in the inner ear due to disruption of cell functions in crystals as a result of the loss of positional vertigos. Balance exercises for this group of patients is often useful. Vascular reflexes slowing with age, especially in patients treated with high blood pressure can cause loss of balance due to the sudden departure of bed.


Infections that affect the inner ear and balance vertigo early in regions with mild symptoms, severe symptoms such as nausea and vomiting affects longer will occur.

Treatment should be quickly eliminated the source of the infection. Intracranial spread of infection risks such as hearing loss and in cases that do not respond to medical treatment, surgical treatment options are also on the agenda.

Vestibular Neuritis

Viral infections nerve or its effect on the balance of the balance Center in the brain can occur as a result of severe vertigo lasting for weeks. Clinical findings in these patients after the passing of the balance of the tests can take months to recover. This disease usually consists of a full recovery without sequelae rarely again.

Treatment of severe complaints for the elimination of the medical treatment that is applied in the early period following treatment is supportive, and adaptation exercises are performed.

Metabolic diseases and allergic Causes

Hearing loss and tinnitus can also be monitored in this group. The most common cause of thyroid gland diseases, disorders of sugar metabolism, food and respiratory allergies.

Applications are made for treatment of disease or allergens.


The balance center of the inner ear, head injury or occur due to the involvement of the blood circulation in the inner ear. Together can cause hearing loss and tinnitus.

Sedatives and drugs that increase blood circulation in the inner ear that resolves complaints of treatment are used. It is a dysfunction that generally recovers though slow.

Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease

The body's own defence system (immune system) is damage to the inner ear as a result of disease. Vertigo may be accompanied by hearing loss and tinnitus.

Diagnosis is diagnosed through blood tests.

Treatment is with steroids and immunosuppressant medications are used. In recent years, low-energy laser therapy (low level laser therapy – LLLT) have been used effectively in the recovery of damage in the inner ear.


Balance disorder that causes tumoral pathology is the most common neuroma is a benign tumor originating from the balance nerve, which is. In this article, tinnitus and hearing loss is often observed.

The tumor location, size, growth rate, and the patient's age, general health status, based on factors such as hearing only follow-up radiotherapy (Gamaknife, Cyberknife) or surgical options is decided between.

The growing tumor in the brain stem, which is vital neighboring to the best results are obtained with early diagnosis and surgery.

Meniere's Disease

Which is one of the most common causes of recurrent vertigo attacks in Ménière's disease, inner ear, the fluid (endolymph) as a result of increase in pressure.

On the one hand the fluid that fills the inner ear is generated continuously when on the other hand, consists of a liquid is absorbed and the circulation back. To increase or decrease reabsorption causes of problems that occur in this system in the production when the pressure of the fluid to increase resulted in the emergence of typical findings.

The exact causes of the disease are unknown, but may be a genetic predisposition and metabolic typical attacks, navigational, allergic, autoimmune, toxic, or may occur as a result of emotional effects. It usually affects only one ear, Meniere's disease, recurring at irregular intervals, is characterized by vertigo attacks lasting between minutes and hours. During attacks usually low frequencies (low tones), which holds hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sensation of pressure and fullness in the affected ear also consists of.

Very severe attacks of vertigo severe vertigo with nausea and vomiting may begin suddenly and is often composed of. The severity of recurrent attacks generally decreasing over time most of the time, complaints or findings are significant in patients between attacks of vertigo.

The classic disease, as well as more rare and without hearing loss, dizziness, tinnitus, and fullness without hearing complaints disease characterized in the form of cochlear hydrops hydrops just called vestibular disease characterized by vertigo attacks, while is called. In the same way for each type of the disease treatment is implemented.

Treatment Of Meniere's Disease
Medical and surgical treatment methods can be used. The basic principle is to provide for the circulation of the inner ear fluid and preventing the increase in pressure. These results are provided, and the balance of the balance center of the inner ear or nerve severing of destructive methods such as medicine or surgery can also be applied.

It is possible for symptoms to be relieved in the majority of patients with medical treatment.

Content of treatment;

  • The likely cause of the disease
  • The frequency of complaints
  • Severity of complaints
  • Affected by the degree to which the patient is determined.


Basic principles;

  • In the inner ear circulation
  • Reducing the pressure of the inner ear fluid
  • In the inner ear and is the suppression of immunological or allergic reactions


The main drugs used in the treatment;

  • Expanders vascular
  • Diuretics
  • Steroids
  • Sedative drugs.


In special cases, immunosuppressant drugs, or drugs that destroy the balance of the center of the functions can be used. Medical (medication) treatments surgical treatment options come to the fore when the desired results are not obtained. Hearing and balance function and two kinds of preserves, maintains a non-surgical approach in the group are available. The patients who are suitable candidates for surgery are effective, a properly fitted hearing aid.

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Düşük Enerjili Laser Uygulamaları (LLLT)

Meniere hastalığı da dahil olmak üzere iç kulağın hassas işitme ve denge organlarını etkileyerek sinir hücrelerinin hasarına neden olan bütün patolojilerde LLLT başarı ile uygulanmaktadır.

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