Tonsil and adenoid Surgery

Tonsil and adenoid surgery can be done for different reasons.

Situations That Require Tonsil Surgery

The tonsils are the most common cause of recurrent acute tonsillitis requiring surgery. More than three in a year and five year two years in a row in case you have migrated an attack of acute tonsillitis, the tonsils removal is recommended. Other conditions apart from that recommended a tonsillectomy;

  • Together with recurrent tonsillitis
    – Heart valve diseases
    – Hot wire transfers have
  • Does not respond to treatment with chronic tonsillitis
    – Halitosis
    – Resistant sore throat
    – Have a painful neck lymph node enlargement
  • Do not respond to medical treatment, infection of the trait (especially beta-hemolytic streptococci) exist
  • An abscess around the tonsils to be developed (due to the risk of tekraralama)
  • The size of the tonsils in the throat which will cause difficulty in swallowing
  • Snoring and mouth breathing is a constant
  • The diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, together with the tonsils to be the greatest of
  • With enlargement of the tonsils and adenoids
    – Increase in blood pressure pulmonary disease – Korpulmonale
    Eating difficulties
    – Speech disorders
    – Developmental delay
  • Mouth opening connected to the jaw closure (occlusion) of the formation of the disorder
  • In the facial bones have growth disorders
  • Tumor (malignancy) suspicion (asymmetric growth) is


Situations That Require Adenoid Surgery

Adenoid surgery requiring that it be taken with lymph tissue in the nasal cavity are the most common cause of nasal congestion in a way that will cause continuous growth. Apart from that, most often adenoid surgery (thyroidectomy) situations that require;

  • In years 5 and adenoid infection requiring antibiotic medication is the story of
  • Treatment-resistant inflammation of the adenoids (adenoidit be
  • Diseases of the middle ear (Adenoid hypertrophy with or without a distinct growth)
    – Fluid in the middle ear does not respond to treatment (chronic otitis media with effusion) have
    – Passing fluid in the middle ear (five per year and above)
    – Perforated eardrum and ear discharge current patients that did not improve with medical treatment
  • Children with chronic sinusitis who do not respond to medical treatment
  • Excessive snoring and mouth breathing is constant in his sleep
  • Apnea syndrome obstructive adenoid growth determination.
  • With adenoid hypertrophy
    – Chronic lung disease, growth retardation, impaired speech
    – Closure of the mouth of the disorder and the development of dental problems related to mouth breathing
    – Growth disorder presenting as facial bones can be listed.


How Is Tonsillectomy?

The tonsils, especially in the first three years the body's own defence system (immune system) by considering the contributions in the development of recurrent febrile attacks of tonsillitis (the objective of this lesson Syndrome), which will cause obstruction of the respiratory tract or delaying tonsil surgery unless there is usually growth level is preferred.

A complaint despite the absence of significant infection, the tonsils are too large, depending on whether the tonsils tonsils in patients who had a problem and some capsules to be taken completely by leaving partially removed tissue may be preferred. In this way, the absence of significant pain after the surgery the surgery the most important advantage of tonsil tissue defense system and the remaining is to be able to continue on. Complaints after surgery in patients with a history of recurrent infections due to the possibility of the continuation of this approach is not preferred.

In adult patients, with some exceptions tonsil surgery is always performed under general anesthesia and surgical lasts around 10-20 minutes, but the patient preparation for general anesthesia, anesthesia, postoperative bleeding control and termination of phase with 45-60 minutes total time finding. Average blood loss by considering tonsillectomy performed with standard techniques, it is suggested that you be made for tonsillectomy in children under 10 kg.

Nowadays, almost thermal welding tonsillectomy bleeding following the entry into use of technology due to the absence of the weight of the patient for the decision of surgery is not a criterion.

The absence of significant bleeding during the surgery as well as thermal welding surgery with surgery, wound healing and faster than conventional methods monitored less pain after surgery, patients can return to a normal diet in a shorter period of time.

Tonsils the tonsils are completely planned to be taken during surgery and tonsil tissue is left is being screened in conjunction with the capsules and in the back there. In some operations, the language at the root of lymphatic tissue in the lower pole of the tonsil tonsils by growing towards the region may result in the formation of lymph tissue. This tissue does not contain the crypts, because it is unlikely to be a focus for infection.

After surgery, patients are usually under the age of 10 they are sent to their homes following 2-3 hours. The kid who sits in the distance to the hospital, patients and adult patients for each age group very young children as well as additional pathology (diabetes, heart disease, wire transfer, obstructive sleep apnea, etc.) after surgery, all patients shall be monitored in the hospital for at least a day.


Tonsil surgery, depending on the tonsils to minimize trauma to surrounding blood vessels and nerves, trauma to the jaw joint, the most common complication, although rare complications, such as trauma to the neck vertebrae are defined as post-operative bleeding.

Bleeding in adult patients are usually monitored within the first 24 hours after surgery, a condition most commonly seen. Other risky surgery for a period of 7-14 falls off the white scar tissue that is formed in the region. for days. For this reason, in terms of nutrition for the first 2 weeks after surgery is critical. Bleeding in any of the patients to the hospital in case of the need of resorting period, it is to inform.

The Period After Tonsil Surgery


It is natural to have a certain amount of pain for 2 weeks after surgery. In general, less pain and shorter in duration in children is markedly reduced within 3-4 days. Especially during swallowing and swallowing and pain may involve the ear.

The intensity of pain may vary from person to person, usually a simple painkiller painkillers is adequate but some people may require the use of more potent drugs.


Tanesiz the first two days after surgery, are given after the warm liquid foods, soft foods are passed to patients in the normal way and 4-5 days after it connects. Chips, hard foods such as crackers, you must abstain for two weeks.


After the surgery, it is normal to speak through the nose and this can last up to 3 weeks. The sound in the throat of the volume of air in the formation of the cavity, there is a role, therefore, is taken after the surgery, and there may be a slight difference in tone in proportion to the size of the tonsils permanently.

Breath Odor:

In some patients, a white, grayish membrane, and the space to be more frequent in people who are malnourished and a little liquid can cause your breath. This is part of the natural healing process of membrane disappears within 2 weeks on average.

Adenoid Surgery (Thyroidectomy) How?

Adenoids usually starts to grow after the age of 1, 2-3 years old, the size of nasal congestion May 13-15 capable in most patients after the age of after the age of 7-8 increasingly smaller is observed in the examination. Especially in the first years of the child's daycare or school, often as a result of having an upper respiratory tract infection rapidly growing and stuffy nose adenoid more likely to become dormant, sleeping with the mouth open, snoring, complaints of leads. Together with adenoids, the tonsils are very large to be more frequent in patients with obstructive sleep apnea can result in.

By playing the role of adenoid tissue in the nasal cavity as a focus of infection with the effects on the functions of the Eustachian tube middle ear aeration of the sinuses and can lead to chronic sinus infections that can impair normal and discharge.

As a result of mouth breathing, nasal congestion dental health constant to be done, and impairs the development of the facial bones on the upper palate. In the same way disturbed sleep patterns and insufficient oxygen intake, growth, development and has a negative impact on mental function.

Unlike tonsils, the body's immune system, which is not shown significant contribution on the development of adenoid tissue infection that occurs as a result of the growth of therapies for nasal congestion in children who do not, surgery is recommended. Complete removal of the adenoid is a structure which is not fully available the techniques in surgery of lymph tissue in the nasal cavity and a small amount remains. For this reason, patients who underwent surgery at a very young age in later years, as a result of enlargement of the adenoids may require another operation.

For the treatment of nasal congestion that occurs due to the growth of adenoid surgery is the only option, but often when there's congestion as a result of recurrent infections notably the decision of surgery, the general condition of the patient, infection, and the degree to influence the daily life of the life of the school, the presence of Allergy, the diagnosis should be taken into consideration variables such as a followup of the season.

These infections diagnosed in the spring in the summer is significantly reduced because the patients to wait until last spring that will strengthen the body's immune system in this process is the implementation of vaccines and treatments, to be brought under control if you are allergic to is preferable. Although antibiotic therapy is always an alternative to surgery in this group of patients, the development of resistance due to frequent use of antibiotics, gastrointestinal system effects, allergic reactions should be taken into account. It is painful and because of the risk of the application of Depot penicillin allergy often are not preferred.

In the middle ear due to fluid accumulation in the ear with recurrent or treatment not exceeding the insertion of ventilation tube removal of the adenoids in children making a decision to present during this surgery has made a positive contribution in reducing the incidence of infection.

How Adenoid Surgery Is Performed?

Adenoid surgery is always performed under general anesthesia. The surgical procedure with anesthesia procedures, along with the total operation time takes 5-10 minutes 45 - 60 Minutes.

Endoscopy is usually accompanied by adenoid surgery today through the nose or throat, directly under the camera view is implemented. Surgery is performed under endoscopic vision of the most important advantages of the adenoid tissue without damage to adjacent anatomical structures such as the mouth of the Eustachian tube and prominent behind in an optimal manner without lymph tissue is cleaned. With the approach of the surgery endoscopic adenoid regrowth and the moment the possibility of the risk of complications can be reduced.

Blood loss during surgery of cataract surgery that was introduced coblasyon technology in recent years because it provides surgery to be performed without underage and underweight in children can be performed safely in necessary situations.

Adenoid Surgery (Thyroidectomy) The Period After

Mixed with saliva in the first 2-3 days after surgery, there may be slight pink bleeding. Fresh red blood or inform your physician if vomiting of blood.

During the same operation applied to the membrane or the eardrum tube to be drawn, Inefficient process, slight bloody discharge from the ear and a small amount of treated patients in the first days of may be abundant, yellow, green, inform your doctor if you have a discharge or long-term.


Usually after surgery, significant pain complaints are not tracked. Mild pain in the throat or ear shot of the monitoring in the case of the simple painkillers such as paracetamol is used.

Nutritional Information

The first 3-4 hours after surgery, the patient not to eat or drink fully from the effects of anesthesia is forbidden. Your nurse will advise you when you will take in food through the mouth.

In general, drink large amounts of lukewarm water, a soft, mild and non-irritating foods should be taken. Foods warm for up to three days after surgery, so I recommend to start following a normal diet can be.


After the surgery, it is normal to speak through the nose and this can last up to 3 weeks. The air in the nasal cavity, the volume of the sound in the formation of the nasal cavity so fills the role of the adenoid tissue has Following receipt of the permanently a slight change in the tone of voice may occur.


A fever after surgery it is normal to rise 0.5-1 degrees. Higher and prolonged fever is usually caused from dehydration. Though plenty of fluids if you have high fever, call your doctor.

Breath Odor

The space to be more frequent in people who are malnourished, less liquid, and rarely, surgery to the area can become inflamed, odor and bad breath may occur. Inform your doctor about this situation.

After Surgery Activities

Children should rest at home for 1-2 days after surgery. 4-5 days after the operation, they can go back to school. They should not perform sports activities at least 7 days.

Not having a bath for 3-4 days after surgery would be appropriate. Can be done with lukewarm water in the bathroom for the first 15 days after. Ear surgery in the same patient in the bathrooms and in the process of entering the pool or the sea it's done, your ears must be protected from the water until your doctor tells you otherwise. For this purpose a small amount to a cotton ball in the middle vazal put in the entrance of the ear canal for you to be plowed is usually sufficient. By staying clear of the air in the ear canal must be in contact with water.

For alternative methods of protection (head bands, earplugs ready, etc.) ask your doctor