Acute Ear Infections

Middle Ear

Located just behind the eardrum and the space which is filled with air under normal conditions, “ middle ear ” is called. Of air pressure in the middle ear mucosa to be absorbed by the ear, depending tend to be in the negative direction. The back of the nose via the Eustachian tube during swallowing, which opens by taking air from the air pressure in the middle ear is synchronized with the ambient pressure. When the pressure equalized on both sides of the membrane, the sound that is delivered becomes the best of fully flexible. When problems occur in the transmission of sound in the middle ear pressure is low to begin with.

This condition is typically the Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear to the nasal cavity occurs due to the deterioration of the functions of the olive. The basic functions of the Eustachian tube and to check the air pressure in the middle ear into the inner ear discharges to ensure that. In small children, both short and flat, which is the functional problems of the Eustachian tube are monitored more frequently. The channel has an anatomy that provides functions to normal after the age of seven.

Normal Hearing

For normal hearing, the ear: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear should be. The sound waves from the outside through the opening to the Eustachian tube by an elastic tube of the ear, throat, middle ear and inner ear. Thus, sound waves are converted to electrical signals in nerve cells in the inner ear and the nerves reach the hearing centers of the brain are forwarded to.r.

What Is Otitis Media?

Otitis media, which is located behind the eardrum called the middle ear. Factor is usually in the middle kulakiltihap viruses or bacteria. Ear infections are often due to a cold or an allergic recently passed the function of the Eustachian tube which connects the middle ear problem, it is helpful to understand. At the same time one ear or both ears may be affected. Since the development is not completed kulakanatomik in young children, middle ear infections with their eustachian tubes are more prone to the influence of differences in anatomy.


  • In children under the age of five,
  • Men
  • Bottlefed babies,
  • The children into the slot,
  • The drug is used in children and exposure to cigarette smoke for more middle kulakenfeksiyon is often used.

Middle ear infections are seen in adolescents and adults.Acute otitis media and middle ear infections or otitis media.

Middle Ear Infection (Otitis Media, Otitis Media)

Normally, this simply by opening up the tiny bones of the middle ear through a short time of the functions of viral, bacterial infections or allergic reactions, such as the disruption is. Accumulation of secretions in the middle ear and the inner ear are not ultimately ventilated and the air from the negative pressure formed by the mucosa of absorption of fluid from the tissues and result in the withdrawal of the middle ear is filled with fluid (serous). Long-term negative pressure as a function of mucous secretions in chronic secretory otitis media as a result of the thickening of more with a table occurs.

Ear infections and hearing loss in children occurs transmit sound waves from shuddering as needed. This mild hearing loss that results in some changes in the child's behavior and speech of a problem can lead to a delay in the start of your ability to enjoy. The main findings that are observed in children with hearing loss are as follows:

  • She turns on the TV or sit too close to the TV.
  • Word, unable to hear exactly doesn't answer immediately, or do not pay attention.
  • Attention to what your teacher says at school decreases, begins to failure in the course.
  • The middle ear and inner ear.
  • Especially “s” “Z” depending on whether it is in the best of Heard speech disorders such as consonants can occur.


Causes Of Glue Ear

  • Fill her nasal passages adenoid growth (adenoid hypertrophy)
  • Nose and sinus infections
  • The middle ear.
  • Allergies, immune system failure
  • In more rare cases, a tumor that affects the function of the Eustachian tube.


Diagnosis Of Serous Otitis Media

Serous is a silent disease and is usually fever, vomiting, pain does not occur with symptoms such as obvious. The diagnosis is often due to complaints, depending on the symptoms, your doctor may recommend or suspected as a result of hearing loss.

Kula membrane becomes dull, thickened and the pain increased. If withdrawal in the eardrum, the middle ear, there may be a buildup. The disease rarely affects both ears simultaneously. Unilateral serous otitis media hearing loss may not be noticed, but the involvement of the balance Center in these patients due to imbalance, difficulty in sports activities, can be seen in symptoms such as difficulty in walking. The measurement of middle ear pressure, hearing tests are carried out and which travels to children's hearing. Permanent hearing loss. Microorganisms secrete substances are rarely connected to the conductive hearing loss may develop in the middle ear.

Treatment Of Glue Ear

Antibiotic treatment may be indicated. Reduce the swelling of the mucosa, the mucus that Deplete the viscosity of drugs can be used. In patients with a diagnosis of allergy, anti-allergic treatment should be added. Activities like chewing gum and blowing up a balloon, can cause hearing loss.

Especially frequent serous otitis media, recurrent acute otitis media is known as children who go to daycare and this one may be done on up to 1 month. Bottlefed children of nutrition in semi-sitting position should be recommended to be done in.

The disease is frequently seen during the autumn and winter increased in parallel with changes in viral infections considering that the treatment plan can be made. From medical treatment increase the chance of success prior to the summer period, while this ratio decreases in winter.

The lack of successful treatment for six to eight weeks, at the same time, 20 to 25 dB of hearing loss in above cases, surgical treatment is preferred. Thinning in the ear canal, depression, acute and chronic forms occur if there has occurred if a conductive hearing loss or middle-surgical treatment.

Surgical treatment can have a different amount of hearing loss in each ear. In addition, adenoid, and, if necessary, tonsils can be taken. Ventilation tube in children is performed under general anesthesia, the ear is taken by a doctor or falls from 6-12 months. With this treatment, majority of the patients recover completely. Rarely repetitive, permanent tube tube applications or application may be required. Especially for Allergy and immune system functions in children with serous otitis complaints should be evaluated.

An outer ear infection in areas where the water is clean children more than a meter dive as long as they do there is often wrong when entering the sea, but especially in swimming pools while showering or bathing with soapy water and then by closing the ear canal with ear plugs or cotton child of water should be prevented from entering the middle ear through the tube.

Acute Middle Ear Infection

Acute middle ear infections usually created by bacteria or a virus. Short for children from the throat to the middle ear via the Eustachian tube which these agents are easily carried. Once reaching the middle ear to the middle ear and the throat and settles the microbes that grow here, which is in close relations with both of the mucosa of the Eustachian tube leads to swelling extending from the inside. Blocked Eustachian tube is the middle ear can not be ventilated, the current air pressure is connected to the back of the ear. Transmission the sound of the dice losing flexibility decreases. On the other hand, are often caused by trauma or negative pressure in the middle ear fluid build up and pushes the membrane outward.

In the examination in the early period, the eardrum is red, edematous or swollen like a balloon. Inflammation of the middle ear is filled with. From the point of infections with antibiotics, the condition was breached once, pus in the middle ear is due to changes in the middle ear. This is abnormal and relatively reduced. The failure of advancing the appropriate treatment of the disease can result in complications.

The Middle Ear.

  • The corruption of the Eustachian tube function
  • Proliferation of bacteria in the middle ear
  • Diseases of the nose and sinuses
  • Other diseases of upper respiratory tract
  • Allergy
  • Deficiency in the immune system
  • The extent of this destruction may be


Diagnosis Of The Disease

Starts in the middle ear and rapidly progressive infection. Ear pain, fever, vomiting, poor appetite, ear blockage, runny or hearing loss in infants is seen complaints like tugging their ears immediately when an ear, nose and throat specialist is recommended that you go to.

After diagnosis of infection in such a case, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.

If your child is experiencing pain, ear drainage, or immediate, you should seek advice. Treatment-related approach and the results of the tests and examination is planned according to your child's overall health condition.

Examination Findings

Children with large tonsils, Throat, who settled around the mouth of the opening of the Eustachian tube is usually just the adenoids to the function of the Eustachian tube is too large and adverse effects. In some cases, to be transmitted to the middle ear via the Eustachian tube to prevent infections and air is possible. Adenoid has an important role in kulakiltihap. When a problem is suspected middle ear, then the ear, nose, and throat should be examined. Fluid, pus, nasal congestion and chronic infections, in children with complaints of snoring or sleeping with the mouth open is important.


In many cases, middle ear infection. The incidence of active infection and infection plays a role in determining the duration of the treatment. Antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media should be used for at least 10 days. With today's drugs of antibiotics in prior years of the inflammation that occurs as a result of spreading to adjacent organs from the middle ear, facial paralysis, hearing loss, intracranial infections, such as meningitis and brain abscess is rarely serious results are monitored

Treatment with an appropriate antibiotic, antipyretic, analgesic, is used in medications to reduce the swelling of mucous membranes. The healing process should be followed. Antibiotic therapy and treatment, including sufficient. With antibiotic treatment, the complaints must decrease significantly during the first 24-48 hours. Dump most of the fluid in the middle ear hearing 8-12 times a day to six weeks to fully recover and sometimes it happens. If the fluid accumulation becomes chronic, you may need prolonged surgery. Fluid accumulation in the middle ear (serous otitis media, chronic otitis media) are the main factors that increase the risk of;

  • Slots such as nursery or crowded, airless environments,
  • Allergic Constitution
  • Contact with cigarette smoke
  • Adenoid enlargement
  • Frequent upper respiratory tract infections


Surgical Treatment

In some cases, a middle ear problem. Still the treatment of middle ear hearing loss and/or mucous membrane perforation, it is necessary to resort to methods. The middle ear and the ossicles in the middle kulaksivi will clear up within three months of the most common surgical method. You can stay in your child's ear tubes for 6-12 months. The duration of your child's growth is related to the duration of the tubes. Following a growth spurt, the tubes may fall out. Otherwise, the tubes stayed for at least 6 months and not vice versa, preferably before the summer is the diagnosis. The tubes are usually left in place for 2-3 weeks in the hole heals. Important after the ear heals until the drums may be required.

The application of the tube during adenoidectomy (adenoid) evaluation and examination in children with recurrent tonsillitis the tonsils or tonsils taken in the story may need to be excessively large.